
Dogs and cats forgotten in work upheaval

AS SYDNEY emerges from yet another round of lockdowns, animal shelters are reminding people that pets are for ...

Meet the woman saving Sydney’s abandoned dog population

Most of us are aware of the plight facing pound dogs. Each year, hundreds of thousands of animals ...


Dear Monica, I'm writing to tell you with a broken heart and the worst sadness we have experienced ...


We had to say goodbye to Ziggy last night. He had a tumour that was growing exponentially somewhere ...


Born 23 May 2000 Died 26 June 2015 Woody lived with the Shearman family - Jonathan and Julie, ...


After months of fattening up Twinkle, an 11year old Maltese cross , died under anaesthetic at the vet. ...


The attached photo is of Tullie our Yorkie X who you rescued when you were in S.Turramurra.  She ...


We were privileged to share our lives with you for only 5 years but what wonderful years those ...


Abused and abandoned you came to us a frightened little skeleton Afraid to eat or drink, very gingerly ...


There are a million reasons as to why dogs find themselves with Monika.  Shep had been returned by ...

Need to know more?

Rescuing cats and dogs means there is always a lot of work to do.

If there is something else you can help us with, or if you need to know more, just contact us using one of the methods shown on the following link.  We'd love to hear from you!

Monikas Doggie Rescue Adopt a Dog (2)