Adopt a Cat Doggie Rescue (1)

See the cats

DoggieRescue and our partners, including the Cottage Animal Hospital, are looking to find loving families for homeless cats.

All adoptions/viewings are by appointment only.

We have a few locations where we keep our cats. Please contact the appropriate location mentioned in the cat’s profile or email for more information. Thank you!

Adoption is having a cat for life.

 Please fill out the form from our forms page. It will help us understand what you are looking for.

Email or Fax Us

You can submit the on-line questionnaire, or e-mail or fax (02 9486 3136) your completed pdf form to us & list the cats you would like to see.

Adopt or Foster a CAT

See our cats available for adoption.

Individual Cat



About 14 weeks old • male


About 2 years old • male


About 15 weeks old • male
Mrs Darbus 264

Mrs Darbus

About 3 years old • female

Mrs Tiggywinkle

About 4 years old • female


About 7 years old • female

Bonded Cat Pairs

ariel and sebastian

Ariel and Sebastian

About 1 years old • female
About 1 years old • male

Casper and Elwood

About 11 years old • male
About 10 years old • male
koda & kenai

Koda and Kenai

About 11 months old • male
About 11 months old • male

Sesame and Mochi

About 1 years old • female
About 1 years old • male

About Foster Caring

Not ready to Adopt? Consider providing a foster home for a cat

As a foster parent you commit to care for the cat in a loving and safe environment until a permanent home is found.

Fostering duration can vary from a few months to up to a year or so.

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What happens to your dog’s brain when you’re not there?

Reproduced from the Sydney Morning Herald, November 22, 2021 By Louise Glazebrook If you’ve ever wondered what your pet gets up to when you leave the house, then you aren’t alone. In recent years, the market for pet technology, such as smart cameras, has rapidly expanded, allowing pet owners to observe their pets’ antics from anywhere,…

Before you decide to adopt a dog

OWNING A DOG IS NOT FOR EVERYONE Deciding to get a dog is a truly exciting moment in the life of a person or family. It is also one of the most significant. Unfortunately, some people make the mistake of confusing a dog with a toy, and they get a dog as an impulse purchase…

Tips for Settling in your new dog

It’s important to understand that many of these dogs have been at DoggieRescue for some months or even longer. They may not have been toilet trained, and some have never even seen the inside of a house before! Most of been used to living in kennel conditions with little one-on-one attention. Some have come directly…

Overcoming Separation Anxiety

There’s some great information here from the ASPCA if you have a dog with separation anxiety. Also information about some common dog behaviour issues to help you and your pup address some of their behaviours and habits. Click here to find out more.

About Foster Caring

As a foster parent you commit to care for the cat or dog in a loving and safe environment until a permanent home is found. Fostering duration can vary from a few months to up to a year or so. Please note that puppies and highly desired dogs are not placed in foster care. Even…

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Become a Volunteer

Rescuing pets means there is always a lot of work to do.

Join our dedicated team of volunteers who are always in desperate need of extra hands to help care for our cats, doggies and other pets. Click here to read more about current volunteer jobs.

The Cottage Animal Hospital is dedicated and caring team are always here for you and your pets.

The Cottage Animal Hospital (1)