Abused and abandoned you came to us a frightened little skeleton
Afraid to eat or drink, very gingerly accepting tidbits
Not knowing how to play
Slowly but surely you became our little sweetheart, learning to trust and even to play
As we brought love and acceptance to your life, you brought sweetness to ours – thus
your nickname, sweet pea
We will miss you long after the endless tears have dried
We are heart sore at your passing
No longer will you momentarily forget the aches & pains of your aging body at the sight
of a bird – especially if he is helping himself to your food!
No longer will every pee-mail be read as if war & peace
No longer will you hold vigil in the hall till our return
No longer will you, a little velcro dog, share John’s pillow
Nor rabbit hop up the stairs
No longer will you run on bandy legs to catch us up – the John Wayne of the dog world
No longer will you lead the way to work in the morning – loyally accompanying the
longest stayer
No longer will you remind Sandie to go home prompting your daily walk
You have given your last welcome, received your last pat
Your job is done sweet boy, so rest in peace in the embrace of the angels beneath the
frangipani tree where your caring minder laid you
You will be sorely missed little friend.