Hi Monika & all,
I wanted to let you know that my beloved Mikki passed away on January 3rd last month. He was between 10-12 yrs young. He went rather suddenly but peacefully.
I was with him and will cherish my time with him. I have his ashes at home and still cry missing him every day.
It’s so quiet at home now without him. He was the best little dog you could ask for. Everyone loved him.
We had Mikki for almost 9 years from your rescue and on January 1st 2012 we adopted little Minni (Mika). She too has been the most entertaining & loving girl and I will take time but want to find her a mate as she is missing her “boyfriend”.
They had a daily ritual of playing and chasing each other and I just loved sitting and watching them.
They were adorable together. I feel just awful when I have to leave her to go to work 3 days a week but other than that I take her with me wherever I can.
I sense a change in her and understanding she is missing Mikki as much as my daughter, sister and I do.
I will keep an eye on your website and other rescue sites as I want to save yet another, fury little soul. My heart and home is always open to love another.
I’m sure that’s what Mikki, Minti & Molli (my previous 2 Maltese Terriers) would want.
Warm regards,
Loretta Saviskis