Readers were happy to hear the great news that Sydney’s largest NO KILL animal welfare organisation Doggie Rescue, had reached a new milestone and had saved 12,000 dogs from death row, re-homing each of them with loving families. That is 12,000 healthy, loving creatures who would otherwise have faced certain death and become a statistic.
These dogs have been rescued from pounds around NSW and represent what happens when they are given a second chance at life thanks to founder and CEO Monika Biernacki.
“The number of dogs facing death row every day in Australia is truly shocking. These beautiful animals all deserve the opportunity to find their forever home and I am so proud that 12,000 of them are now happily part of their new families”, explains Monika.
Ms. Biernacki, a former scientist, gave up her work twenty years ago to begin Doggie Rescue when she saw a desperate need to prevent the unnecessary euthanasia of dogs that were perfectly healthy yet had been abandoned because their owners didn’t want them anymore. There are literally thousands of heartbreaking stories behind these animals, but it is the heartwarming result of every new adoption that provides the drive that keeps Monika and her loyal, dedicated volunteers going.
“Doggie Rescue was created to provide a viable NO KILL alternative in Sydney and to educate the public on their lifelong responsibilities when owning a dog. Dogs should never be an impulse purchase and people need to become educated about where their new addition has come from. Rescue dogs are very special, most adoptees tell us that in actual fact, the rescue dog has saved them! There is nothing like the love and dedication of a rescued animal.” Monika adds.
Since then almost another one thousand dogs have been found a home. This week a little more on that Ingleside Doggiewood Home that each Issue lists Pets of the Week in the Community News page.
Read the full article here.